Sponsor a New Member

As a member of the Junior League of Dallas, you can help build the League’s future by sponsoring women you know. We accept new applications between September and January and we are always looking for members to join the Sponsor Pool.

In addition you can play a part in recruiting new members and exposing other organizations to JLD. If you know a potential member that you feel the New Member Committee should reach out to please complete this Each One Reach One form.

If you know of any organizations (corporations, faith communities etc.) that may want to host us to talk about our leadership development of women please complete this External Outreach Form. 


Who Can Sponsor?

All JLD Actives and Sustainers in good standing can serve as both a Lead and Co-Sponsor for two different Prospective New Members. The New Member Committee will verify sponsorship eligibility for Lead and Co-Sponsors.


What is the Role of a Lead or Co-Sponsor?

As a JLD sponsor, you play a critical role in guiding and supporting our new members.  Before the Provisional meetings in May, the Lead and Co-Sponsors can help answer any questions the Prospective New Member may have, as well as provide a warm welcome. We encourage you to reach out and get to know the women you are sponsoring. Invite them to lunch or coffee to get to know them. And, stay engaged with them throughout their Provisional year.

Don’t know anyone, but want to be a sponsor?

Sign up for Sponsor Pool. Note: You should be willing and able to serve as either Lead or Co- Sponsor and support a Prospective New Member as described above.

How do I sponsor a New Member?
  • The Prospective New Member must complete the Prospective New Member application. We accept applications between September and January each year.
  • Please provide the Prospective New Member the Lead and Co-Sponsor’s names, email addresses, phone numbers and JLD member numbers.
  • In the spring, the Lead Sponsor and the Co-Sponsor will receive an email to confirm sponsorship. (Be sure to let the Prospective New Member know you have confirmed sponsorship.)

Questions? Contact  newmember@jldallas.org